Seeing the truth for what it is…

When I mentor a person or a group it is vitally important I watch very carefully how the instruction or advice is interpreted. For the past twenty years I didn’t get paid a dime unless I created a performance improvement in a team or individual. Most of the payment structure as a golf instructor is…

I’m not asking for the world…

Can you give me 2% of your day to make a huge impact on your life and business? I think you can. In my life today I thoroughly love keynoting to companies and working with executives on their work/life performance. There is no question that Steve Jobs was correct in saying that connecting the dots…

Relationship Energy

During the past twenty-five years I have had the privilege of not only mentoring but befriending most of my clients. I love authentic and trust-filled relationships. It wasnt always like this though. During my early twenties I often felt obliged to be there for any client I was working with from the moment I woke…