Why Justin Rose is Great

It is said that a person becomes the average of the five people they associate with the most. If this is true, Justin Rose is surrounded by a team of studs. In my thirty years of teaching elite players, I have never come across a player I have taught, with the exception of Sir Nick…

The Power of Giving

What I learned from Jack Lemmon By Nick Bradley   One of my favorite actors of all time was Jack Lemmon. Not only did he possess one of the most energic screen presences in Hollywood movies, but he was also an amazing jazz pianist. I have always made it a point to study the greats…

Golf and Time and why Rotella is wrong

I have long been fascinated with the construct of time and its relationship with peak performance golf. Without timely procrastination, I start this essay revealing that in essence, time itself does not exist. What does exist however, is the human attempt (and quite a good one) to translate and convert what is only energy into…